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Both our terminals have rail off-loading and truck loading facilities.Our terminals are located near major provincial highways in close proximity to customers, are served by major railroads and operate twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, utilizing fully automated, card-operated loading systems.


The Pintendre facility, Pivot Pintendre, located just across the bridge from Québec City is an ideal point for distribution to the Central and Eastern Quebec and US North East markets.The facility has a storage capacity of 265,000 US gallons or 1M liters and a siding capacity of 19 tank cars.In addition, the facility can offload up to 12 tank cars a day and load up to 24 55,000 liters truck a day.

To learn more about our Pintendre terminal,click on the link and it will direct you to Propane GRG website.

        Contact : Roger Picard
        e-mail :
        968 du Ferblantier
        G6C 1E2
        Telephone: (418)387-7699
        Fax : (418)387-3067
        Locate this terminal with googles maps.


The Valleyfield facility, Pro-Transfert, located just 60 kilometres (42 miles) west of downtown Montreal is an ideal point for distribution to the Eastern Ontario, Western Quebec and the US North East markets. The facility has a storage capacity of 280,000 US gallons or 1.1 M liters and a siding capacity of 20 tank cars. In addition, the facility can offload up to 10 tank cars a day and load an impressive 72 truck loads a day with our three loading stations.

To learn more about our Valleyfield terminal, click on the link and it will direct you to Pro-Transfert website.

        Contact : Guy Marchand
        e-mail :
        675, rue des Érables
        Valleyfield (Québec)
        J6T 6G3
        Telephone : (450) 370-3383
        Fax: (450) 370-3393
        Locate this terminal with googles maps.